Tuesday 10 July 2012

Thanks & a few funnies to make you smile…

Oh my goodness what an interesting last few days, they have made me feel like I belong with this bunch of Beauties...
This weekend began with me posting the first chapter of My True Romance on my blog, boy was I not prepared for how vulnerable and sensitive it would make me feel, to expose myself so honestly was far more challenging than I anticipated. I knew it would be challenging but I actually felt quite teary and became overwhelmed with the sneaking sensation that I had actually finally become completely certifiable and was completely alone in my need to share...Why on earth was I doing this? Why share such a personal journey with whoever wanted to read what I had to say… 
... and then people started commenting and sending me messages and all of them were of encouragement and thanks for my bravery and a lovely read… and as your messages came in, slowly my anxiety was washed away and now it has been replaced more and more with a sense of  absolute gratitude…. I am so grateful to all of you, for your support, so I thought as a 'Thank You', I would put up a few funnies to make you smile and say have a fantastic week…
I will write a little more later in the week about how dating life is going but for now its time to smile :-) enjoy!


Pay it forward blog coming soon, have an amazing week filled with laughter and warmth :-)


  1. Great stuff, man! Good for you!

  2. That guy breaking it down looks like he is having so much fun!! xx
