Saturday 15 October 2016

Create a life filled with Love, Health & Happiness

"My life’s purpose is to assist people in discovering true love, health & happiness
and thus becoming the best version of themselves that they can be."
We all have barriers that keep us from truly living a fulfilled life, blockages that hold us back from fulfilling our goals, dreams, and real potential. What if you discovered the tools and techniques to free yourself from life's burdens and thus allowed you to begin to live a life filled with love, health and happiness, would you take the leap?
I am constantly being asked to share my story and reveal the steps and process I underwent to reclaim my life. I have been exposed to verbal, physical and sexual abuse. My heart was shattered when I got divorced and ended a 14 year relationship and marriage. I have experienced a miscarriage, survived acute depression which resulted in an attempted suicide and healed from a near death experience, caused by a life threatening disease, yet, today I am one of the happiest people you will every meet.
My three greatest challenges have been Self-Love, Healing & Happiness and in this first ever one day event I will guide you through my story and reveal the steps that I took to reclaim my life: 
10 Steps to Self Love
"How much do you really love yourself? Can you look in the mirror proudly, with a warm smile on your face and say: "I love you. I'm so glad, I get to be you!" I certainly couldn't, in fact I spoke to myself terribly and I treated myself so badly, far worse than I would ever even consider treating another living thing. What I didn't realise was that this very act of self abuse was literally killing me... Sound familiar? Discover how I overcame this challenge."
10 Steps to Healing (Body, Mind & Spirit) 
"Each and every one of us have our own journey of healing, our own illness of the body, heart, mind, or spirit. In the section of the course I will go over everything that I did that assisted me in my recovery. Whether you have a medical illness or suffering from an emotional wound, the steps that I took to healing may not heal you in the way that you perceive to be correct, but they will assist you on a path to your soul's highest journey, which can lead you to a sense of well-being never before experienced."

10 Steps to cultivating True Happiness
"So many people are weighed down with the challenges of life, that they don't even know where to begin when it comes to living in a state of happiness. They believe that happiness is experienced by the lucky few, but I am here to tell you that it is not. Happiness like everything else, is a practice. It is something you can learn and once you do your life will be so incredibly full and rich far beyond anything you ever thought possible."
To be completely honest, this course isn't for everyone, you will have to dig deep and take an honest look at what is holding you back from experiencing Love, Health & Happiness, but if you are ready for a personal breakthrough, then book your seat now! 

Details of the course: Only 50 seats available! 
Date: 5th of November 2016 
Venue: Johannesburg - A special secret place is being prepared for the participants and will be guaranteed to nourish your heart, soul and pallet with it's delicious treats and beautiful surroundings (the venue will only be revealed to participants one week before the actual course date). 
Time: 8:30am registration 9am Start - end day at 6pm 
Cost: Early Bird Special Never to be repeated R750 until 18th of October Regular Price R1500 

To book follow the prompts on this page
If you would like more information check out or contact Yvette on 
I honor you for taking the time to read this information and investing in yourself, I wish you all the best for a bright abundant future and look forward to seeing you on the 5th of Novemebr in Johannesburg. 

with much Love, Gratitude and Happiness 
Susana Kennedy 

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