Sunday 20 December 2015

Is that not love?

How can you sum up what love in a few words? I don’t think its possible… love is so many things and more than all those things it happens when a person evokes something within you that changes your life so profoundly and extremely that you begin to exist in only two time frames; the one that existed before that person entered your life and the one that exists now.

There was an energy that existed between us which was not only undeniable to us but to everyone who saw us together. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other, we were each other’s favorite company. The affection, adoration and sexual energy was palpable. I was filled with passion and benevolence for him, I would and did everything and anything for him. I wanted him to succeed, be happy and have everything he desired. He became my reason for being, my partner in crime, my best friend and confidant. My lover, my husband and the one I imagined would be the father of my unborn children. Our hearts, body’s and souls where intricately intertwined unrestricted by time and space, he was my home and I his.
It is only those who have been married that understand loving someone who hurts you so intensely that you question everything, all your choices and decisions. Because only the people you really love can damage you to the point of breaking… and then love you afterwards as you forgive their blunders… if only we could also forget.
Love’s ideals of respect, sympathy, sexual attraction and kindness are just that, ideals, a vision one aims for. The reality is that love is messy and sometimes painful because we are human and we mess up. Nobody is perfect and when you spend that much time together you are bound to hurt each other, you bring out the best but also the worst in each other… but there are two types of hurt one inflicts, unconscious actions, which to me have always been forgivable. Then there are conscious choices and those then move the relationship out of integrity and into abuse. For how can a person who claims to love someone consciously harm, hurt and even damage them in anyway? But even the unimaginable is possible. I know this because I loved my husband and as much as he knowingly hurt me, I know he loved me too, as much as he was capable of at the time. When I finally ended our relationship he told me I didn’t love him unconditionally and I had promised to, I replied: “I do love you unconditionally, I love you with all your cracks and faults and all your brilliance… I just can’t allow you to damage me anymore.” Leaving had nothing to do with a lack of love, it had to do with self preservation.
That was almost five years ago and although I don’t want to be with him in the same way as we were before, to this day, I still only wish only the best for him, I still wish him a good and happy marriage, a family of his own and success in every area of his life. He has finally met another woman and I am filled with gratitude that all is well in his life. I hold no resentment or grudges, no uneasiness of contempt… She is the better fit and because of our relationship he is a better man. I am grateful for being a part of that and for all that we learnt together. I know this makes me freakishly unconventional to the masses but it is my truth, I left knowing I had given it my all, there was no effort to demanding, no possibility that I didn't explore to save our marriage, so although it was the hardest death I have ever lived through, I am at peace with where I am now.
In life we only have two things, our perspective and our reaction to our perspective and a shift in perspective is a miracle because it causes a ripple effect throughout all area’s of our lives. I chose to see every single thing that happened to me, "good" or "bad" as a gift, a precious generous offering, guiding me to constantly be expanding, constantly growing into the most genuine version of myself I can be.

So although it sometimes lacked respect, empathy and trust, it spanned over fourteen years and we had the privilege of growing together, of witnessing every aspect of each other become more than what we once were, more than we had been before we come into each others lives and yes, it has ended, but is this not love?

Tuesday 17 November 2015

3 ways to make this Christmas Season truly jolly!

Tis the season to be jolly and there is a jolliness, which may only be experienced through the act of bringing joy to others. That is why I am asking for your help in throwing a Christmas Party for the community centre I support in Gugulethu, Phakama. 
Year round they contribute to the community in KTC in numerous ways, from providing a crèche for the local babies, to a safe haven for abused children, to a feeding scheme, upliftment through skill’s development and much, much more.

Last year's Christmas Party, Phakama community kids, Hannah from Mammas Meeting Place and Me
Santa's Shoebox inspires this year's Christmas treats for the kids in the Phakama community, these will very possibly be the only Christmas gifts they receive so I would love them to be made with as much love as possible. This year we have 49 children, last year we had 60 planned, we had 10 extra gifts and were still short as word of the Christmas party spread through the neighbourhood, so if we could aim for 80 gifts that would be amazing!

I would really love to see our communities kids face's as happy as these little faces, 
please join me in making this a reality!

How it works: It's as easy as 1, 2, 3

1. Write to me at and let me know how many children you will be giving christmas gifts to and what area you are in, I will then send you a child's name, age, gender and a drop off location.

2. Find an empty shoebox, doctorate it and fill it with gifts. 
For decorating idea's check out

3. Drop it off by the 2nd of December.

  • An outfit of clothing
  • A toy (eg. doll or car)
  • Something to get creative with (crayon's/paint/pencil's/play dough/etc)
  • Toothpaste
  • Tooth brush
  • Bar of soap
  • Wash cloth
Obviously I need to make sure the children on my list get gifts first but if you can afford a few spare gifts, just a toy, not an entire box is necessary, it would be fantastic. If you want to do an entire spare shoe box then perhaps leave the tags on the clothing so that if needed the parents can exchange for the correct size.  
A few of the men and woman within the community with me and Hannah
There are 10 woman who run the community centre and care for the children along with 6 men, I would like to give them gifts too. 

For the woman I would like to create a Christmas handbags, for details read my blog 5 Christmas Handbag Idea's

and for the men I want to give them a gentleman's gift, for details read my blog 5 Christmas gentleman's gift Idea's

Thank You in advance for making my Christmas wish a reality by creating a 
afternoon of love, laughter and spoil's for a very deserving community.

The below was copied from Santa's Shoebox, looks like well thought out caution - so thought I would better share!

IMPORTANT notes about Shoebox contents:
Do NOT include tinned food, cakes or other perishable food
Do NOT include anything containing nuts
Place chocolate in a ziplock bag to prevent it from possibly melting onto the other contents of the Santa Shoebox
Do NOT include medicines or vitamins of any kind
Do NOT include toy guns or knives
Do NOT include glass containers or mirrors
All liquids, like cosmetics or blow bubbles, must be put into a ziplock plastic bag, so that the contents cannot leak out and spoil the Santa Shoebox.
Do NOT include any dangerous items such as sharp objects
Please include batteries with battery-operated toys (please note – these children cannot afford to replace the batteries once they are flat) or choose a non-battery-operated alternative (preferred).
Do NOT include anything of a political, religious or racial nature
Remember to assess whether the contents of your shoebox are appropriate to the age of the recipient child. For example, don’t give marbles to a 2-year old but give them to a child over the age of 6. Another example would be to give a razor to a teenager but not to a younger child.

Gentleman's gift toiletry bag gift Idea

This Christmas why not fill a spare toiletry bag with essentials and treats and give it to someone less fortunate? I have seen this idea floating around on social media for woman, done with handbags, I absolutely love it and thought "Why not for men too?" so I decided to help spread the word and share some idea's.

These are my toiletry bag treat idea's:

If you would like to donate toiletry bag's (or money to put bags together) to a wonderful organisation filled with man who spend their live's in service of others, you can email me for more information on and I would be thrilled to assist. I would like to put together 15 toiletry bags to give as gifts on the 9th of December 2015 so get involved!

Wishing you all a very happy and blessed festive season and may you give, 
many unsuspecting man, the gift of joy!

5 Christmas Handbag Idea's

This Christmas why not fill a spare handbag with essentials and treats and give it to someone less fortunate? I have seen this idea floating around on social media and I absolutely love it, so I decided to help spread the word and share some idea's.

These are my handbag essentials:

And here are a few other articles I found that you may like, 
perhaps you can mix and match to find your perfect mix.

This is a classy looking compilation found on 

I like the look of this list, quick, basic and many of the true essentials, found on 

This list has loads of idea's and if you even put one or two items from each section in the bag I am sure whoever receives it will be thrilled!

Lipgloss, sunglasses, a purse, a keyring, mints, etc

Wishing you all a very happy and blessed festive season and may you give, 
many unsuspecting woman, the gift of joy!

If you would like to donate handbag's (or money to put bags together) to a lovely organisation filled with woman who spend their live's in service of others, you can email me for more information on and I would be thrilled to assist. I would like to put together 15 handbags to give as gifts on the 9th of December 2015.

Tuesday 7 April 2015


A week ago I was out for dinner and started chatting to this lovely girl I had met at a wedding and she told me about this gorgeous spa in camps bay that she works at and asked if I would like to come and experience a treatment. Of course me being me and loving all indulgent pampering things I said “Of Course, when can I come!”
Only a block up from one of Camps Bay’s and indeed Cape Towns iconic partying spots Café Caprice on the beach strip, perfectly positioned on a quiet street corner is Langaro Life Style Centre. As you walk in you are greeted with a warm smile, you look around at the modern, clean, comfortable environment and you can feel that everything will be taken care of. 

I had their signature Swedish massage and signature facial which is tailored to your skin’s needs, everything was geared towards my relation and enjoyment of the experience and handled with remarkable attention to detail and care. From the soft light, to the perfect room temperature, to the cushioned foot-mat beside the massage table, it was a little piece of heaven.
I have honestly never felt so relaxed in my whole life. I have never given anyone a 10 out of 10 but I actually don’t know what they could have possibly done to have made it more perfect, besides making it last way longer, but that’s me just being greedy because I enjoyed it so much!

And because I did, 
you know I love to spread the love so I chatted to them 
and convinced them to do a giveaway for one of you!

All you have to do is:
1.     Share this blog on your page
2.     and ‘like’ my page on facebook  and if you already have liked my page, get a friend to like it  too and comment with your friends name, maybe you can share the prize if you’re feeling generous ;-)  
3.     and ‘like’ Langaro Life Style Centre page  as well!

Easy as that! A lucky winner will be announced on the 1st of May 2015!

The two treatments are worth R1050 and if you would like to see the full range of amazing services they provide go to


Thursday 5 February 2015

Magical Toys!

Imagine your child's picture could be made into a three dimensional toy to play with? Would you want one? I'm sure your little one would! I absolutely adore this idea and so found a few sites with magically accurate interpretations of children's drawling made into three diminutional dolls for you to look at and hopefully inspire some real life doll creation! Follow the links below, so worth it!

10 Fierce Animal Photo's

Ten amazing photo's from 'google images' that show the fierce side of nature's beauty.
I generally see these animals and want to cuddle them, but seeing these photo's brings me back to reality! But even the fiercest beasts need a cuddle from time to time 
wink emotic